Needless to say, today everything will be ruthlessly hammered into shape. I've set myself very high standards with this piece of work, and I won't let them slip, even for a relatively minor piece of the plot.
Sample 'weak' lines written yesterday:
Thus, in generations numbered by the histories of men,And their replacements (subject to any further changes and improvements), written today:
I saw nations rise and flourish, march to war and fall again.
Thus, in generations chronicled by histories of lust,'Numbered' = weaker than 'chronicled'
Savage nations, once triumphant, fell to slaughter, burned to dust.
'Histories of men' = weaker than 'histories of lust'
'I saw nations' = weaker than 'savage nations'
'Flourish' = weaker than 'triumphant'
'March to war' = weaker than 'fell to slaughter'
'Fall again' = weaker than 'burned to dust'
Those are just two vastly improved lines. In this poem I don't do weak!